“J” system for securing a portable computer...
1000 mb phase picker clock recovery architecture using interleav
802.11 using a compressed reassociation exchange to...
ABDS method and verification status for authenticating...
ABDS method utilizing security information in authenticating...
ABDS system and verification status for authenticating...
ABDS system utilizing security information in authenticating...
Abnormal power interruption internal circuitry protection...
AC-powered in-wall computing device with power-line...
Accelerated deserialized boot implementation for a...
Accelerated signature verification on a elliptic curve
Accelerated signature verification on an elliptic curve
Accelerated system boot
Accelerating integrity checks of code and data stored in...
Access and storage of secure group communication...
Access and storage of secure group communication...
Access authorization device for controlling access requested...
Access control
Access control
Access control and authorization system