Sending thread message generated using DCR command pointed...
Shared resources in a chip multiprocessor
Shared resources in a chip multiprocessor
Slaves with identification and selection stages for group write
Software mechanism for accurately handling exceptions generated
Software pipelining a hyperblock loop
Split directory-based cache coherency technique for a...
Stream processing in optically linked super node clusters of...
Stream processing in super node clusters of processors...
Switching multi-initiator SCSI devices to a singular target bus
Synchronization method for work distribution in a multiprocessor
System and method for distributing processing among one or more
System and method for generating fix-up code facilitating avoida
System and method for handling interrupts in a...
System and method for handling software interrupts with argument
System and method for logging computer event data and...
System and method for memory page migration in a...
System and method for non-sequential program statement execution
System and method for performance based call distribution
System and method of local data alignment for stack memory