Embedded microprocessor multi-level security system in flash...
Embedded MRAMs including dual read ports
Embedded processor with dual-port SRAM for programmable logic
Embedded processor with dual-port SRAM for programmable logic
Embedded symmetric multiprocessor system with arbitration...
Embedded system and page relocation method therefor
Embedded virtual media
Embedding data in an information signal
Employing local data stores to maintain data during workflows
Employing stored management data for supervision of data...
Employment method of virtual tape volume
Emptying packed data state during execution of packed data instr
Emulated storage system
Emulated storage system
Emulated storage system
Emulated target associative memory system with a multi-digit...
Emulating one tape protocol of flash memory to a different...
Emulation of a NAND memory system
Emulation of content-addressable memories
Emulation of next generation DRAM technology