Crowbar switch
Cyclotron with yokeless superconducting magnet
Device for electrical deceleration of flow of charged particles
Device for the multiplication of charge carriers by an avalanche
Devices for detecting and/or imaging single photoelectron
Dipole accelerating means and method
Discharge lamp of the short arc type and a light source...
Display panel constructions eliminating discontinuities between
Display unit with bent fluorescent lamp
Dual-color sensitometer
Duplex surge arrestors
Eccentric superconducting RF cavity separator structure
Electric beam accelerator
Electric lamp having an envelope with an intermediate zirconium
Electric lamps having outer stem surface which minimizes interna
Electrochromic display cell
Electrochromic display device
Electrodeless panel discharge lamp liquid crystal display
Electroluminescent cathode ray storage tube
Electroluminescent semiconductor device