Method of inhibiting herpetic lesions by the use of platinum coo
Method of inhibiting HIV infection with CD44 and anti-CD44...
Method of inhibiting human G-protein chemokine receptor...
Method of inhibiting leukocytes with human CXC chemokine...
Method of inhibiting metastasis by anti-.alpha.6-integrin-antibo
Method of inhibiting stenosis and restenosis
Method of inhibiting the activity of growth factor homolog...
Method of inhibiting the cytocidal effect of TNF with TNF...
Method of inhibiting the formation of inhibin/betaglycan...
Method of inhibiting the proliferation of B cell cancers...
Method of inhibiting tissue destruction in autoimmune disease us
Method of inhibiting tumor growth using antibodies to MN protein
Method of inhibition of complement mediated inflammatory respons
Method of inhibition of vascular development using an antibody
Method of killing B cells using antibodies which bind CDIM
Method of killing B-cells in a complement independent and an ADC
Method of killing rodents
Method of killing target cells in harvested cell populations...
Method of manufacturing immune globulin
Method of modulating leukemic cell and eosinphil activity...