Bacillus natto culture extract
Bacillus thuringiensis isolate active against dipteran pests
Bacterial fibrin-dependent plasminogen activator
Bacterial phage associated lysing enzymes for treating...
Bacterial plasmin binding protein and methods of use thereof
Bacterial strains, genes and enzymes for control of...
Bactericidal compositions and methods
Bacteroides nodosus vaccine
Basal and chitinase broth compositions for enhancing anti-fungal
Bath preparations and method for producing the same
Bath preparations and method for producing the same
BH55 hyaluronidase
Biological bioadhesive composition and methods of...
Biological Bioadhesive composition and methods of...
Biological control of insects
Biological pesticide
Biological pesticide
Biological pesticide
Biological support for cell cultures constituted by plasma prote
Bismuth complex preparations