Reducing tetracycline resistance in living cells
Reducing tetracycline resistance in living cells
Reducing toxic effects of carboplatin using dithioethers
Reducing toxicity of L-nucleosides with D-nucleosides
Reduction and inhibition of ETU content in alkylenebisdithiocarb
Reduction in vivo of the inappropriate levels of endogenous and
Reduction of anthracycline induced cardiotoxicity
Reduction of anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity
Reduction of boar odor in meat
Reduction of breast density with 4-hydroxy tamoxifen
Reduction of cardiotoxicity of an antitumor agent using manganes
Reduction of cell proliferation and enhancement of NK-cell activ
Reduction of cell-cell communication in prostate cancer...
Reduction of elevated blood lactate using twice-daily dichloroac
Reduction of gastro-intestinal bacterial load
Reduction of gastrointestinal disease-producing organisms with s
Reduction of hair growth
Reduction of hair growth
Reduction of hair growth
Reduction of hair growth