Use of pagoclone for the treatment of social anxiety disorder
Use of paroxetine for the treatment of senile dementia, bulimia,
Use of parthenolide derivatives as antileukemic and...
Use of parthenolide to inhibit cancer
Use of PDE 4-specific inhibitors to reduce the severity of a...
Use of PDE V inhibitors for improved fecundity in mammals
Use of PDE V inhibitors for improved fecundity in mammals
Use of penciclovir for the treatment of human herpes-virus-8
Use of pentoxifylline and other tumor necrosis factor blockers f
Use of peroxisome proliferator activated receptor...
Use of phanquinone for the treatment of alzheimer's...
Use of phanquinone for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease
Use of phanquinone for the treatment or prevention of memory...
Use of phenoxy-piperzine derivatives
Use of phenoxy-pyridine derivatives
Use of phenylcyclohexylcarboxamides
Use of phospholipase inhibitors in the treatment of Clostridium
Use of Phthalidyliden esters of carnitine and alkanoyl carnitine
Use of phthalyltaurine sulfonamide derivatives in treating epile
Use of piperidine derivatives as dermo-decontracting agents