Generation and use of integrated circuit profile-based...
Generation of a system model
Generation of code from a graphical model
Generation of continuous mathematical model for common...
Generation of intermediate representations based on user...
Generation of multiple simultaneous random test cycles for hardw
Generation of partial traces in model checking
Generation of virtual combinatorial libraries of compounds
Generic emulator of devices in a device communications protocol
Generic software simulation interface for integrated circuits
Geologic models of subsurface sedimentary volumes
Geometric aerial image simulation
Geometric display tools and methods for the visual...
Geometric model comparator and method
Geometric model database for use in ubiquitous computing
Geometric model database for use in ubiquitous computing
Geometric model database for use in ubiquitous computing
Geometrical modeling of structural products
Geospatial modeling system providing inpainting with...
Geospatial modeling system providing simulated tree trunks...