Concurrent legacy and native code execution techniques
Cone mapping physical optics for design of indoor...
Cone slack allocator for computing time budgets
Configurable bio-transport system simulator
Configurable real prototype hardware using cores and memory...
Configurable system and method for power and process plant...
Configuration for in-circuit emulation of a...
Configuration management for an emulator operating system
Configuration manager for configuring a data acquistion system
Conformal meshing for electromagnetic analysis of planar circuit
Conformation-activity relationship of apoptosis-inducing...
Consistent back pressure for piezoelectric ink-jet simulation
Consolidation of product data models
Constraint validity checking
Constraint-based method of designing a route for a transport...
Construction Method
Control code read-out system
Control device, method and computer program product for...
Control device, method and computer program product for...
Control loop status maintainer for temporarily opened...