Simulator for automatic vehicle transmission controllers
Simulator for automatic vehicle transmission controllers
Sled test apparatus and method for simulating pre-impact...
Slipping contact line model and the mass-conservative level...
Small molecules and a pharmacophore model for inhibition of...
Social dilemma software for evaluating online interactive...
Soil-water coupled analyzer and soil-water coupled analysis...
Sound enabling computerized system for real time reservoir...
Spatial simulation program and system
Split-phase chamber modeling for chamber matching and fault...
Spot weld failure determination method in a finite element...
Sputter profile simulation method
Statistical trend generator for predictive instrument...
Stochastically generating facility and well schedules
Story-based organizational assessment and effect system
Strategy parameter adaptation in evolution strategies
Structural analysis of a printed wiring substrate
Structured approach for risk-informing deterministic safety...
Subterranean formation treatment methods using a darcy scale...