C-arm calibration method utilizing aplanar transformation...
Caching in a three dimensional modeling and animation system
CAD system which automatically creates a 3-dimensional solid mod
CAD system, control method and control program for same
CAD/CAM feature tree with manipulatable 3D miniatures
Calculating three-dimensional (3D) Voronoi diagrams
Camera simulation system
Cartesian mesh generation technique
Casting shadows
Character display method in three-dimensional video game
Chroma-keyed specular texture mapping in a graphics processor
Circuit and method for deferring the binding of render...
circuit and method for processing render commands in a...
Classification of exterior and interior triangles for...
Classifying a voxel
Classifying objects in a scene
Clipping and culling artwork using a graphics processing unit
Clipping system and method for a graphics processing...
Clipping system and method for a single graphics...
Clipping with addition of vertices to existing primitives