Early ray termination in a parallel pipelined volume...
Early stencil test rejection
Editing method and medium in CAD system
Editing three-dimensional vertex data with undo facility
Efficient geometric tessellation and displacement
Efficient image parcel texture rendering with T-junction...
Efficient multi-resolution curve rendering
Efficient object storage for zone rendering
Efficient parametric surface binning based on control points
Efficient rasterization of specular lighting in a computer...
Efficient rendering of panoramic images, and applications...
Efficient rendering of similar objects in a...
Efficient rendering utilizing user defined rooms and windows
Efficient rendering utilizing user defined shields and windows
Efficient representation of connectivity information in...
Efficient TLB entry management for the render operands...
Efficient triangular shaped meshes
Efficient use of user-defined shaders to implement graphics...
Efficient video frame capturing
Efficient video frame capturing