Safety shutdown system for a dye laser
Sample grating distributed bragg reflector laser, very widely ma
Sapphire monocrystal, semiconductor laser diode using the...
Saturable reactor
Sc.sup.2+ based active crystalline luminescent media for laser
Scalable and stable, CW photolytic atomic iodine laser
Scalable spherical laser
Scanner beam semiconductor switching apparatus
Scanning III-V compound light emitters integrated with...
Screenable moisture-passivated planar index-guided VCSEL
Sealed excimer laser with longitudinal discharge and transverse
Sealed gas laser
Sealed laser
Sealed-off RF excited CO.sub.2 lasers and method of manufacturin
Sealing method and arrangement for turbine compressor and laser
Second-harmonic generation device using semiconductor laser...
Segmented air cooled laser tube
Segmented ceramic bore laser
Segmented hollow cathode laser with split anode
Segmented laser tube structure