Search circuit for data compression
Search position encoder
Search system for use in compression
Seat position sensor
Second and higher order dynamic element matching in multibit...
Second order and cascaded 2-1 oversampled modulators with improv
Second order demodulator for sigma-delta digital to analog conve
Second order digital filter requiring only one sigma delta...
Second order Sigma-Delta based analog to digital converter havin
Secure keyboard with random order of key interrogation
Secure keypad scanning
Security for remote operation devices
Security keyboard matrix scanning method
Security system having randomized synchronization code after pow
Security system transmitter with opposed concave actuators
Segemented D/A converter with enhanced dynamic range
Segmentation mechanism for a block encoder and method for...
Segmented circuitry
Segmented D/A converter with enhanced dynamic range
Segmented DAC calibration circuitry and methodology