Scaled reference analog-to-digital conversion circuitry and meth
Scaling of sampling position in sample rate converter
Scan circuit and method for keyboard
Scanned switch matrix
Scanning front end using single-pole, double-throw switches...
Scanning optical keyboard
Scanning system for film recorder
Scanning, row-column type keyboard
Scheme and method for testing Analog-to-Digital converters
Scheme for determining internal mode using MCLK frequency...
Scheme for maximizing efficiency of power amplifier under...
Scheme for non-linearity correction of residue amplifiers in...
Schemes to implement multi-level PWM in digital system
Scrambled block encoder
Scrambled block encoder
Scrambler and a method of scrambling data words
Scrambler, de-scrambler, and related method
Script instruction for jumping to a location, interpreting a...
SD-ADC with digital dither signal processing
Seal membrane with integral microphone support