Echo prevention circuit, filter coefficient setting method,...
Echo suppression with both digital and analog variable attenuato
Function transformer
High speed x/sine(x) correction circuit
Increment/decrement sampling phase shifter
Information dependent data transmission for pilot protective...
Intermittent digital demodulation apparatus having reduced...
Isolation system with digital communication across a...
Isolator for controlled power supply
Memory devices having single bit bus structure with current...
Method and apparatus for converting between analog and...
Method and apparatus for detecting a sampling-period sync signal
Method and apparatus for processing analog signal
Method and system for converting digital samples to an...
Method and system for correcting quantization loss during...
Method for operating an apparatus for facilitating communication
Methods and structure for sampled-data timing recovery with redu
Mixed-mode semiconductor memory
Mixed-mode semiconductor memory
Mixed-signal system-on-a-chip analog signal direct...