Synthesis of hydrophilic phenol ester derivatives
Synthesis of hydroquinone
Synthesis of hydrosilanes from methylchloropolysilanes
Synthesis of hydroxycyclopenten-1-ones
Synthesis of hydroxycyclopenten-1-ones
Synthesis of imidazo[1,5-a]diazepine-3-carboxylates
Synthesis of indoles from anilines and intermediates therein
Synthesis of isoprenoid 1,5-dienes
Synthesis of linear primary alcohols from internal olefins
Synthesis of long-chain alkanes having terminal functionality
Synthesis of low viscosity low pour point hydrocarbon lubricatin
Synthesis of m-benzoyl-hydratropic acid
Synthesis of maleic anhydride
Synthesis of menthofuran
Synthesis of mercapto-substituted silicon compounds
Synthesis of metal alkyl carbonates
Synthesis of metal phthalocyanines
Synthesis of methotrexate
Synthesis of N,N',N",N'"-tetra-salicylidene pentaerythrityl tetr
Synthesis of N-[1-(chloromethyl)propyl]acetamide