Nucleotide sequences coding for the sigM gene
Nucleotide sequences coding for the thrE gene and process...
Nucleotide sequences coding for variable regions of the...
Nucleotide sequences derived from the genome of retroviruses of
Nucleotide sequences derived from the genome of retroviruses...
Nucleotide sequences derived from the genome or retroviruses of
Nucleotide sequences encoding RAMOSA3 and sister of...
Nucleotide sequences encoding a sensor kinase, citA, from...
Nucleotide sequences encoding a sensor kinase, citA, from...
Nucleotide sequences encoding a thermostable alkaline protease
Nucleotide sequences encoding alanine racemase from coryneform
Nucleotide sequences encoding apoptosis associated Bbk protein
Nucleotide sequences encoding bovine respiratory syncytial virus
Nucleotide sequences encoding histidine kinase from...
Nucleotide sequences encoding mammalian calcium activated...
Nucleotide sequences encoding mammalian calcium activated...
Nucleotide sequences encoding o-succinylhomoserine...
Nucleotide sequences encoding osteogenic proteins
Nucleotide sequences encoding peroxisome-associated...
Nucleotide sequences encoding pinoresinol/lariciresinol...