Radiation therapy by accumulation of therapeutic...
Rapamycin producer
Rapid growing microorganisms for biotechnology applications
Rapid growing microorganisms for biotechnology applications
Rapid growing microorganisms for biotechnology applications
Rapid identification of environmental bacillus
Rat glutathione synthetase gene
Rathayibacter biopuresis produces cephalosporin haloperoxidase
Reactor and method for solid state fermentation
Reagents and methods for diversification of DNA
Reagents for recombinogenic engineering and uses thereof
Receptacle with porous welding the use and the manufacture there
Receptor for a Bacillus thuringiensis toxin
Receptor that causes cell death and recombinant production...
Receptor-activated reporter systems
Recombinant Candida rugosa lipases
Recombinant .alpha.-2,3-sialyltransferases and their uses
Recombinant .beta.-amylase
Recombinant 21 kD cocoa protein and precursor
Recombinant 47 and 31KD cocoa proteins and precursor