Method for preparing xylitol with high yield using recycling...
Method for preservation of marine microorganisms
Method for preserving nitrile hydratase or nitrilase activity of
Method for processing oilseed material
Method for producing γ-glutamylcysteine
Method for producing a bacterial vaccine and novel vaccines prod
Method for producing a bacterial vaccine and novel vaccines prod
Method for producing amide compounds using a nitrile...
Method for producing amide compounds using a nitrile...
Method for producing an L-amino acid using a bacterium with...
Method for producing desiccation tolerant paecilomyces fumosoros
Method for producing docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) using...
Method for producing high density antagonistic microbe base...
Method for producing L-amino acid using bacteria belonging...
Method for producing L-amino acid using bacteria belonging...
Method for producing L-amino acids by fermentation
Method for producing L-amino acids by fermentation using...
Method for producing L-amino acids by fermentation using...
Method for producing L-arginine using Corynebacterium...
Method for producing L-aspartic acid