Biochemical conversions by yeast fermentation at high cell densi
Biochemical process
Biocontrol of Varroa mites
Bioconversion of a fermentable carbon source to 1,3-propanediol
Bioconversion of a fermentable carbon source to...
Bioconversion of industrial cellulosic pulp materials to protein
Bioconversion of waste biomass to useful products
Bioconversions catalyzed by the toluene monooxygenase of Pseudom
Biodegradation of explosives
Biodegradation of pentachlorophenol
Biodetectors targeted to specific ligands
Bioemulsifier production by Acinetobacter calcoaceticus strains
Biojelly-producing microorganism, microorganism-containing...
Biological control of damping off and root rot and inoculum prep
Biological control of diseases of harvested agricultural commodi
Biological control of insects using pseudomonas strains transfor
Biological control of phytophthora by trichoderma
Biological control of plant diseases
Biological control of postharvest decay of fruit using...