Biosensor for measuring gas and the manufacturing method thereof
Biosensor membranes
Biosensor membranes composed of polymers containing...
Biosensor strips and methods of preparing same
Biosensor system having enhanced stability and hematocrit...
Biosensor utilizing enzyme and a method for producing the same
Biosensor with a data memory
Biosensor with a membrane containing biologically active materia
Biosensor with code pattern
Biosensor with multiple electrical functionalities
Biosensor with multiple sampling ways
Biosensor with peroxidase enzyme
Biosensor, and a method and a device for quantifying a substrate
Biosensor, biosensor chip, and biosensor device
Biosensor, measuring instrument for biosensor, and method of...
Biosensor, method of forming thin-film electrode, and method...
Biosensor, thin film electrode forming method,...
Biosensors and methods of making
Biosensors and methods of making
Biosensors and methods of using the same