Detection of alkali-silica reaction swelling in concrete by stai
Detection of allergen-associated materials
Detection of allergen-associated materials
Detection of allergenic substances in food products
Detection of analytes by fluorescent lanthanide metal...
Detection of analytes in aqueous environments
Detection of analytes in aqueous environments
Detection of Analytes in aqueous environments
Detection of anti-Fc.sub..epsilon. R autoantibodies in asthmatic
Detection of antibodies to bacterial antigens by...
Detection of antibodies to glycosphingolipids using...
Detection of antibodies to glycosphingolipids using...
Detection of appendicitis by measurement of orthohydroxyhippuric
Detection of autoantibodies associated with the disease myasthen
Detection of bacterial vaginosis
Detection of base contaminants in gas samples
Detection of base contaminants in gas samples
Detection of basement membrane components as diagnostic of cance
Detection of biological macromolecules by NMR-sensitive labels
Detection of biological warfare agents