Object-oriented system using objects representing hardware devic
Object-oriented view-system for displaying information in a wind
Object-oriented, logic, and database programming tool with garba
Objective color notation system
Objective position information supplying method in navigation sy
Oblique projection original and oblique projection original form
Oblivious memory computer networking
Observations from below a rough water surface to determine condi
Observer control means for suspension systems or the like
Obstacle avoidance apparatus
Obstacle avoidance system
Obstacle data processing system for unmanned vehicle
Obstacle detection system for motor vehicle
Obstacle sensing apparatus for vehicles
Obstacle-avoiding navigation system
Obstetrical and gynecological event and status calculator
Obstructed-field-indicia-sensing device
Obtaining a selected frequency component in rectangular coordina
Obtaining a spectrogram from a single scanning of interference f
Occlusion detection system for locator devices