Steels, steel products for nitriding, nitrided steel parts
Storage material for hydrogen
Stress rupture properties of nickel-chromium-cobalt alloys by ad
Strontium-magnesium-aluminum master alloy
Structural austenitic stainless steel with superior proof stress
Structural part made of ferritic chromium-molybdenum steel which
Studs for boilers and other high temperature applications
Substrate for magnetic recording media
Sulfidation resistant nickel-iron base alloy
Sulfidation-resistant Co-Cr-Ni alloy with critical contents of s
Sulfidation/oxidation resistant alloys
Sulfide alloys that exhibit thermal bistability
Sulfur-containing free-cutting steel
Sulfur-containing free-cutting steel for machine structural use
Sulphur-containing ferritic stainless steel that can be used...
Super high vacuum vessel
Superalloy coating composition with oxidation and/or sulfidation
Superalloy compositions
Superalloy compositions and articles
Superalloy compositions with a nickel base