Radiant heat vaporizing injector
Radiant heat vaporizing injector
Radiation resistant austenitic stainless steel alloys
Rail steel
Rapid solidification of metal-second phase composites
Rapid solidification route aluminium alloys containing lithium
Rapidly solidified aluminum based silicon containing, alloys for
Rapidly solidified and worked high strength magnesium alloy cont
Rapidly solidified high strength, corrosion resistant magnesium
Rapidly solidified high strength, ductile dispersion-hardened tu
Rare earth and aluminium containing galvanizing bath and method
Rare earth metal-nickel hydrogen storage alloy, a method for...
Rare earth/iron fluoride and methods for making and using same
Reactive metal-palladium-copper-nickel brazing alloys
Reactive metal-palladium-gold brazing alloys
Reactive metal-palladium-silver brazing alloys
Rebar with vanadium alloy
Recycling of metal matrix composites
Reduced lead bismuth yellow brass
Refractory silicide conductor containing iron