Remote baggage screening system, software and method
Removable electron multileaf collimator
Reproduction or display of medical images with configurable text
Reprojection and backprojection methods and algorithms for...
Residual map segmentation method for multi-leaf...
Robust and efficient decomposition algorithm for digital...
Rotating carriage assembly for use in scanning cargo...
Rotating gamma system visual inspection camera
Rotating irradiation therapy apparatus
Rotating stereotactic treatment system
Rotational coniformly-focused gamma radiating unit
Rotational flatness improvement
Sample preparation for inspection of ball contacts and...
Satellite test chamber with electromagnetic reflection and reson
Scanning analysis and imaging system with modulated electro-magn
Scanning arm and train inspection system by imaging through...
Scanning densitometry system with adjustable X-ray tube current
Scanning x-ray inspection system
Scatter correction method for non-stationary X-ray acquisitions
Screening apparatus and method