Magnetostatic microwave device having large impedance change at
Magnetostatic wave device
Magnetostatic wave device
Magnetostatic wave device and chip therefor
Magnetostatic wave device and disturbance wave eliminator
Magnetostatic wave device based on thin metal films, method...
Magnetostatic wave device containing acoustic wave absorbing lay
Magnetostatic wave device including magnetic garnet layer having
Magnetostatic wave device with minimized higher order mode excit
Magnetostatic wave resonator
Magnetostatic wave resonator having at least one ring conductor
Magnetostatic wave tunable resonator
Matched high Q, high frequency resonators
MCM with high Q overlapping resonator
Mechanism for adjusting resonance frequency of dielectric resona
MEMS switched resonators for VCO applications
Metal dielectric composite resonator
Method and apparatus for adjusting a resonant frequency of a tra
Method and apparatus for coupling energy to/from dielectric...
Method and apparatus for designing an RF coil assembly