Screw-fixing implement
Second harmonic suppressor for power amplifier tank circuit
Shielding of integrated circuit package with...
Single crystalline magnetic garnet and YIG device
Slotted dielectric resonators and circuits with slotted...
Slotted dielectric resonators and circuits with slotted...
Stacked type dielectric resonator
Stepwise regulated filter having a multiple-step switch
Stress relieved iris in a resonant cavity structure
Strip transmission line having a tunable electric length
Strip-line resonator
Stripline circuit and method for regulating the characteristics
Stripline resonator
Structures with negative index of refraction
Supporting of a helix resonator
Switchable resonator device
Symmetrizing means for RF coils in a microwave cavity
System and method for threaded plunger assembly
System and method for threaded plunger assembly
Systems and methods for blocking microwave propagation in...