Technique and an apparatus for producing postcards having an...
Technique for administering personal telephone numbers
Technique for analyzing information assistance call patterns
Technique for assessing charges for a telecommunication...
Technique for attributing communication call transactions to...
Technique for automatic identification of a remote modem
Technique for balancing loads in a communication network
Technique for compensating for signal attenuation on a telephone
Technique for continually assisting a user during an...
Technique for controlling ring volume and selectively receiving
Technique for detecting call metering in key telephone system
Technique for determining a compression ratio for use in process
Technique for determining propagating and clear frequency to be
Technique for effectively controlling communication links to...
Technique for effectively processing and dynamically routing...
Technique for effectively providing a personalized...
Technique for effectively providing a personalized...
Technique for effectively providing concierge-like services...
Technique for efficiently accessing telephone messages
Technique for enhanced information assistance call routing