Superabsorbent polymer having improved absorption rate and absor
Superabsorbent polymer having increased rate of water...
Superabsorbent polymer having increased rate of water...
Superabsorbent polymers having improved processability
Superabsorbing fibers and films and processes for preparing...
Superabsorbing fibers and films and processes for preparing...
Superabsorbing polymeric networks
Superabsorbing polymeric networks
Supercritical fluid-assisted deposition of materials on...
Superfine microelemental biochemical mixture and foamed plastic
Superwicking crosslinked polyurethane foam composition containin
Supports for active entities
Surface crosslinking treatment method of water-absorbing...
Surface crosslinking treatment method of water-absorbing...
Surface treated polyester substrates
Surface-decorated foam skin of cross-linked rubbery soft...
Surface-modified base matrices
Surface-modified base matrices
Surface-modified post-crosslinked adsorbents and a process for m
Surfactant composition for flexible polyurethane foam