Ultra-thin absorbing sheet body, disposable absorbent...
Ultrahigh water-absorbing fiber forming composition
Ultrahigh water-absorbing fiber-forming composition
Ultrathin fluid management article
Umbilical cord blood collection
Umbilical cord blood collection
Undergarment having crotch member with unattached end portion
Undergarment having crotch member with unattached end portion
Undergarment protection article and method
Undergarment protection article and method
Undergarment protection article and method
Undergarment shield
Undergarment to be worn by incontinent persons
Undergarment with attached absorbent liner
Underpants type disposable diaper cover
Underwater drainage device
Unitary absorbent system
Unitary disposable pant-type garment with non-elasticized...
Unitary fluid acquisition, storage, and wicking material