Nanofabricated gecko-like fasteners with adhesive hairs for...
Napkin construction with laminate wrapper
Napkin package
Napkin with extendable tabs
Napkin-knickers provided with an improved elastic arrangement
Nasal-packing article
Natural feeling condom and method
Neo-natal net
Newborn's growth adjustable absorbent diaper having variable ove
Newborn's growth adjustable absorbent diaper having variable ove
Newborn's growth adjustable absorbent diaper having variable ove
Noise-attenuating device for colostomy
Non woven fabrics suitable for diaper and diaper coverstock
Non woven material and hygienic absorbent article comprising suc
Non-continuous absorbent composites comprising a porous macrostr
Non-continuous absorbent cores comprising a porous macrostructur
Non-invasive female urinary device
Non-invasive female urine collection device
Non-ionic plasticizer additives for wood pulps and absorbent...