Gas permeable member
Gas turbine composite parts
Gaseous phase synthesized diamond and method for synthesizing sa
Gears and gear assemblies
Generally flat member having smooth surfaces and made of highly
Glass-ceramic plates and methods of fabricating them
Glass-like carbon material, method for manufacturing the same, a
Glassy carbon-coated article
Glow discharge method of applying a carbon coating onto a substr
Graded grain size diamond layer
Graphite article comprising a compressed mass of impregnated...
Graphite cladding laminate structural material and a graphite de
Graphite powders suited for negative electrode material of...
Graphite refractory article having dense structure with low poro
Graphite sheet material
Graphite sheet or block material
Graphite structure with increased flexibility
Graphite-based heat sink
Graphite/carbon articles for elevated temperature service and me