Selective absorber amorphous alloys and devices
Selective application of conductive material to circuit...
Selective application of conductive material to substrates...
Selective chromizing in a molten lead medium
Selective coating for solar panels
Selective codeposition of particulate matter and composite plate
Selective intermixing of layered structures composed of thin sol
Selectively deposited electrodes onto a substrate
Self-bonding flame spray wire for producing a readily grindable
Self-bonding MCrAly powder
Self-brazing aluminum laminated structure
Self-brazing materials for elevated temperature applications
Self-centering braze assembly
Self-cleaning coating compositions and cooking apparatus coated
Self-sharpening, laminated cutting tool and method for...
Self-stabilizing extrusion for closure assemblies
Self-supporting ceramic articles having shape-replicated surface
Self-tapping or thread-forming screw
Semi-finished product made out of a ductile material with...
Semi-finished product made out of a ductile material with...