Wear-resistant sintered iron-based alloy and process for produci
Wear-resistant stainless steel
Wear-resistant, sintered iron alloy and process for producing th
Wear-resisting sintered alloy
Weathering steel with high toughness
Weight ratio mixing of volatile containing carbonaceous material
Weld wire from extruded nickel containing powder
Weldable alloy
Weldable alloy
Weldable alloys
Weldable oxide dispersion strengthened alloys
Welded ferritic stainless steel article
Welding additive material substantially free of cobalt and carbi
Welding material of ferrite-austenite two-phase stainless steel
Welding solid wire
Welding wire for use in submerged arc welding of Cr-Mo steels
Wet zinc dust atomization and distribution
White gold alloy
Winning metal from ore
Winning nickel and cobalt with mercaptide extractants and carbon