Radially anisotropic sintered R-Fe-B-based magnet and production
Radiation absorbing refractory composition
Radioactive .sup.57 Co source
Rail wheel alloy
Rain drop detecting device
Rapid conversion of metal-containing compounds to form...
Rapid decarburization steelmaking process
Rapid oxidation process of carbonaceous and pyritic gold-bearing
Rapid sintering feedstock for injection molding of stainless ste
Rapid solidification of plasma sprayed magnetic alloys
Rapid surface cooling of solder droplets by flash evaporation
Rapid tooling sintering method and compositions therefor
Rapidly dissolving additive for molten metal method of making an
Rapidly expanding metallic mixture treated to prevent...
Rapidly solidified aluminum based alloys containing silicon for
Rapidly solidified high strength, corrosion resistant magnesium
Rapidly solidified high strength, corrosion resistant magnesium
Rare earth - iron -boron permanent magnet and method for the...
Rare earth alloy powder used in production of permanent magnets
Rare earth element-metal-hydrogen-boron permanent magnet