Making of articles from metallic powder
Making of steel
Making of steel by the BOF process
Making particles of uniform size
Management of electric arc furnace dust through a basic...
Manganese containing materials having high tensile strength
Manganese nodule pelletizing
Manganese steels
Manufacture and consolidation of alloy metal powder billets
Manufacture method of briquette for use as metal stock and...
Manufacture of a composite tubular product
Manufacture of a composite tubular product
Manufacture of acicular ferromagnetic iron particles
Manufacture of acicular ferromagnetic iron particles
Manufacture of acicular ferromagnetic iron particles
Manufacture of acicular ferromagnetic metal pigments containing
Manufacture of alloy steels and ferrous alloys
Manufacture of alumina for use in the basic oxygen furnace
Manufacture of aluminium-silicon alloys
Manufacture of cost-effective titanium powder from magnesium...