High shrinkage powder body
High silicon chromium nickel steel for strong nitric acid
High specific strength polycrystalline titanium-based alloys
High speed steel
High speed steel manufactured by powder metallurgy
High speed steel manufactured by power metallurgy
High speed steel sintering powder made from reclaimed grinding s
High speed steels with phosphorus for improved cutting performan
High speed tool steel having high toughness
High speed tool steel produced by powder metallurgy
High speed tool steel produced by sintering powder and method of
High strain rate deformation of nickel-base superalloy compact
High strength aluminum alloy
High strength aluminum alloy and process
High strength aluminum alloy and process
High strength aluminum extrusion alloy
High strength and density tungsten-uranium alloys
High strength and high toughness welding material
High strength austenite steel having excellent cold work hardena
High strength austenitic stainless steel exhibiting freedom from