Aluminum-transistion metal alloys having high strength at elevat
Aluminum-transition metal alloys made using rapidly solidified p
Amalgamable composition and method of production
Amalgamable composition and method of production
Amalgamatable dental alloy powder having an effect of...
Amine treatment for passivating sponge iron
Ammonia extraction of gold and silver from ores and other materi
Ammoniacal extraction of copper from metallic materials
Ammonium dodecamolybdomolybdate and method of making
Ammunition using non-toxic metals and binders
Amorphous alloy of high magnetic permeability
Amorphous alloy with high magnetic induction at room temperature
Amorphous alloys in the U-Cr-V system
Amorphous alloys which include iron group elements and boron
Amorphous alloys with improved resistance to embrittlement upon
Amorphous carbon alloys and articles manufactured from said allo
Amorphous Co-Ti alloys
Amorphous iron-based alloy excelling in fatigue property
Amorphous magnetic alloy
Amorphous magnetic alloy