Method and apparatus for remote transmission of signals
Method and apparatus for remotely reading and decoding bar codes
Method and apparatus for testing and diagnosing data processing
Method and apparatus for testing data processing machines
Method and apparatus for the feed forward control of a material
Method and apparatus for timing intravenous liquid drip rate
Method and apparatus for weighing batches of liquid and other po
Method and apparatus utilizing color algebra for analyzing scene
Method and arrangement for conversion of a digital measured valu
Method and arrangement for determining the mass of tobacco or th
Method and arrangement for measuring and evaluating temperatures
Method and arrangement for supervising power supply systems
Method and device for recording, in real time, non uniformly var
Method and device for the integration of analog signals
Method and device for the storage and multiplication of analog s
Method and electronic control for the analyzation of serum chemi
Method and means for producing a control signal for process cont
Method and system for navigation employing incremental range dif
Method for detecting and isolating faults in digital and analog
Method for determining the interior shape of spherical tanks for