Seal-less cryogenic expander
Sealing device for gas compressor-expander
Self-triggering cryogenic heat flow switch
Sensorless control of a harmonically driven electrodynamic...
Sequencing means for Stirling cycle, Ericsson cycle or like appa
Single stage twin piston cryogenic refrigerator
Single-fluid stirling/pulse tube hybrid expander
Solenoid controlled cold head for a cryogenic cooler
Split ring seal for cryogenic refrigerator
Split sterling cryogenic cooler
Split stirling cycle cryogenic cooler with spring-assisted expan
Split-cycle cooler with improved pneumatically-driven cooling he
Split-phase cooler with expansion piston motion enhancer
Squeeze film bearing for Stirling cycle compressor pistons
Stacked disc heat exchanger for refrigerator cold finger
Standing wave pump
Sterling refrigerating system and cooling device
Stirling cooler
Stirling cooler
Stirling cooler