Tape end detecting device for tape decks using center and side p
Tape surface discriminating system
Tapered beam folded cross flexure suspension
Tapered optical fiber sensing attenuated total reflectance
Tapered optical fiber sensor
Tapping atomic force microscope with phase or frequency detectio
Tapping atomic force microscope with phase or frequency detectio
Target based determination of robot and sensor alignment
Target detection in aerosols using active optical sensors and me
Target detection system utilizing multiple optical criteria
Target detector capable of rejecting close-in objects
Technique for lensless optical positioning with a plurality...
Technique for simultaneous particle size and velocity measuremen
Telecentric image forming system with a row camera
Temperature and pressure compensated elasto-optic sensor
Temperature compensated light-generating device
Temperature compensated optical pressure sensor
Temperature compensated self-referenced fiber optic microbend pr
Temperature compensating device for fiber gratings
Temperature compensation for QKD systems