System for and method of creating and assigning address codes in
System for automatically adding additional data stream to existi
System for carrying out spread spectrum communication through an
System for conducting video communications over satellite commun
System for controlling communication between parallel computers
System for data transmission by means of an angle-modulated carr
System for decoding self-clocking data signals
System for demodulating frequency- or phase-modulated signals by
System for demodulation and synchronizing multiple tone waveform
System for detecting and recovering a transmitted signal
System for detecting position of object having data carrier
System for determining the acquisition of, and frequency compens
System for discrete data transmission with noise-like, broadband
System for dynamically exchanging and matching revision informat
System for evaluating transmission line impairments
System for generating a time reference value in the MAC layer of
System for generation of multiple pointed QAM signal spaces by u
System for handling data errors on a cellular communications sys
System for high speed data tranmission
System for improving the quality of a received radio signal