Navigation data prediction for GPS and GLONASS weak signal...
Near-optimal multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel...
Near-optimal multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel...
NMOS pass transistor digital signal processor for a PRML system
Noise floor independent delay-locked loop discriminator
Noise predictive maximum likelihood (NPML) detection methods and
Non-binary viterbi decoder using butterfly operations
Non-coherent DP-MOK reception process with combination of...
Non-integer delays in iterative diversity reception
Non-parametric adaptive power law detector
Nonlinear overlap method for time scaling
Nonlinear signal correlator and method therefor
Normal burst acquisition system for use in a cellular...
Normalized auto-correlators
Null symbol position detecting method, null symbol position...
Nyquist folded bandpass sampling receivers and related methods
Nyquist folded bandpass sampling receivers with narrow band...