Wear resistant surface-gradient crosslinked polyethylene
Wear-resistant endoprosthetic devices
Wedge-shaped spacer for correction of deformed extremities
Weight distributing prosthesis for above and below the knee ampu
Welded hip prosthesis
Welded sinusoidal wave stent
Welding method
Welding method
Wettable ePTFE medical devices
Wire connector structures for tubular grafts
Wire connector structures for tubular grafts
Wire reinforced vascular prosthesis
Wire spring prosthesis for ossicular reconstruction
Wire-tubular hybrid stent
Wireless breach detection
Wireless prosthetic electrode for the brain
Woven bifurcated and trifurcated stents and methods for...
Woven intravascular devices and methods for making the same...
Woven orthopedic implants
Woven orthopedic implants