Dampener for a bearing arthro-prothesis
Debris isolating prosthetic hip joint
Decellularized vascular prostheses resistant to thrombus...
Decentered intraocular lens
Decoding algorithm for neuronal responses
Deep flexion knee prosthesis
Deep flexion posterior stabilized knee replacement with...
Deformable conduits and methods for shunting bodily fluid...
Deformable intraocular corrective lens
Deformable intraocular corrective lens
Deformable intraocular lens
Deformable intraocular lens
Deformable intraocular lens
Deformable intraocular lens
Deformable intraocular lens injecting apparatus with...
Deformable intraocular lens with anchored haptics
Deformable intraocular lens with haptic
Deformable intraocular multi-focus lens
Deformable scaffolding multicellular stent
Deformable scaffolding multicellular stent