Device and method for suppressing vibration of a working machine
Device and method for the closed-loop control of an exhaust...
Device and method for the heating of a catalytic converter...
Device and method for the rapid priming of an oxidation catalyst
Device and method of controlling hydraulic drive of...
Device and method of providing portable electrical,...
Device and process for fastening an injection element in the inj
Device and process for separating soot or other impurities from
Device arrangement structure for hybrid construction equipment
Device comprising an expansion engine and a separate apparatus f
Device designed to modify the trajectory of a projectile by pyro
Device driven by heat energy
Device for a buoy-based wave power apparatus
Device for a combustion chamber in a gas turbine for...
Device for actively controlling combustion instabilities and for
Device for actuating a hydrostatic drive
Device for adapting the characteristic curve of a hydraulic accu
Device for adjusting gas turbine engine fuel control system in a
Device for admixing a reducing agent into an exhaust gas...
Device for amplifying the output of a driven machine