Rabbet mounted combuster
Rack and pinion actuation for an aircraft engine thrust reverser
Radial ball bearing
Radial counterflow steam stripper
Radial end burner rocket motor
Radial flow gas turbine engine with annular combustor liner
Radial flow turbine with internal evaporative blade cooling
Radial hot gas engine
Radial inflow combustor
Radial inflow combustor
Radial inflow dual fuel injector
Radial inlet swirler with twisted vanes for fuel injector
Radial piston hydrostatic transmission of the type incorporated
Radial pulse motor igniter-sustain grain
Radial turbine and method of cooling nozzle of the same
Radial turbine with variable axial nozzle
Radial vane hydraulic machine
Radially compliant pump hub
Radially mounted air blast fuel injector
Radially staged low emission can-annular combustor